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Thomas J. Ruter


Meetings online as needed

Committee on Nominating and Developing Leaders

The Nominating and Developing Leaders Committee seeks to identify the spiritual gifts and passions of individuals within the Presbytery, and then to match those gifts with service opportunities on Presbytery committees, commissions, boards, teams and task forces.  The Committee nominates persons for election by the Presbytery to serve on Presbytery commissions, committees, boards and teams.


The Committee is also charged with providing opportunities for ruling elders and individual members of congregations to develop leadership skills, nurturing their leadership abilities into fuller expression.  The Committee may also provide resources and training for church officers, deacons and committee chairs.


This Committee nominates persons to serve as officers of the Presbytery and as commissioners to General Assembly and the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.


Nominating Resources and Forms:

PTCA Bylaws

Manual of Operations


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