Associate Pastor of Family Ministry, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Austin, MN

Westminster Presbyterian Church of Austin, Minnesota is seeking an Associate Pastor of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. Westminster is a joyful place of worship, service, and fellowship in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our church theme, “Growing in Faith, Reaching Out in Love” is embodied by the dedicated members, staff, and friends of Westminster Presbyterian Church. The Associate Pastor will oversee and provide Christian leadership of the Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. This position will also provide the opportunity to preach monthly to our congregation and will be responsible for assisting with other pastoral duties as needed.
Pianist, Community Presbyterian Church, Rochester, MN

The Church Pianist will provide piano accompaniment for scheduled worship services and other activities in support of the music ministry of the Community Presbyterian Church. The Pianist would play a pivotal role in the musical life of the church and work under the direction of the Worship and Music Committee.
Senior Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, IA

Central Presbyterian Church, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), founded in
1848 and located in the heart of Des Moines, Iowa—is seeking a Senior Pastor.
At Central Presbyterian Church, we strive to be a Christian congregation dedicated to a
strong tradition of worship, committed to spiritual inquiry and growth, caring for one
another, and bearing witness to God’s love in the world. Central is a vibrant
congregation of over 500 members that is known for openness and inclusiveness, a
warm and welcoming sense of community, inspiring traditional worship services, an
intelligent approach to Christian faith, and a passion for mission and service.
To apply, submit your resume and cover letter to hr@dmcpc.org
Administrator/Communications Manager, St. Luke Presbyterian Church, Minnetonka, MN

St. Luke is a progressive congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), welcoming all, including LGBTQ+ individuals. We envision and work toward a community where everyone thrives in peace and abundance.
The Administrator/Communications Manager is the main office presence, managing non-pastoral staff and liaising with vendors and community groups. Ideal candidates are independent, multi- tasking problem solvers who prioritize accuracy and meet deadlines.
Coordinator of Nursery and Early Childhood Ministries, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN

The Coordinator of Early Childhood Ministries oversees the planning and implementation of a quality early childhood experience for infants and toddlers and their caregivers, which reflects our commitment to living out our baptismal promise. This includes overseeing the Nursery program to provide age-appropriate Christian formation curriculum and working collaboratively with the Families, Youth, and Children Council and staff team to welcome and support young families in order to establish trust and a sense of community at Westminster.
Director of Children and Youth Ministries, First Presbyterian Church, Stillwater, MN

First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater, MN is seeking an innovative leader to develop and grow a creative and vibrant programming for children and teens that cultivates lasting intergenerational relationships. The compassionate person in this position supports and develops a culture of welcoming and inclusivity for children and youth while practicing transparent communication. This organized person takes initiative to develop, communicate and implement all aspects of the ministry to support and encourage growth for children, youth and families in their faith. Full job description is here: https://fpc-stillwater.org/now-hiring/
Resumes and cover letters received by First Presbyterian’s Search Team at jobs@fpc-stillwater.org by August 31 will be given first consideration.
Part-time Youth and Outreach Director, St. Croix United Church, Bayport, MN

Our vibrant and growing congregation in Bayport, MN, seeks a Youth and Outreach Director (15 hours/week) to lead our youth ministry, support our children's ministry, and pursue intergenerational collaborations within our local community. This person will work closely with our pastor and volunteers. We need someone with passion for learning, skill in nurturing children and youth, enthusiasm for fostering intergenerational relationships, resourcefulness, creativity, emotional intelligence, professionalism, and openness to working within a progressive Christian context.
Ideal start date: August 1st. To request the full position description, email Pastor Clare Gromoll at pastor@stcroixunitedchurch.org.
Learn more about us here: www.stcroixunitedchurch.org
Transitional Part-time Pastor, Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church, Chaska, MN

Shepherd of the Hill is a small, progressive congregation seeking an ordained teaching elder to serve as a part-time Transitional Pastor. The congregation desires a leader who can effectively and efficiently provide the responsibilities of an ordained teaching elder who will guide worship, offer spiritual direction and undertake administrative pastoral responsibilities. We feel comfortable with our identity within the church and the community. We understand our church's history and traditions, and are eclectic in our willingness to update and try other things, but we are careful in how we make changes.
Part-time Office and Communications Manager, Central Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, MN

Central Presbyterian Church in downtown St. Paul is hiring a part-time Office and Communications Manager to help Central continue to be "in the city for good." Responsibilities include weekly communications, front office hospitality, and office management. To apply, contact Rev. Chris Chatelaine-Samsen (chriscs@centralforgood.org)
Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Red Wing, MN

We seek a pastor/teaching elder to guide us into the next part of our journey as a congregation. The oldest church in Red Wing, we have a rich history of community involvement, faithful service, and meaningful worship. Our new pastor will meet us where we are, welcoming our congregation that is diverse in theological and social understanding but united in moving forward to live out the Vision that God has for us. Please see attached for further information.
Half-Time Youth & Christian Education Coordinator, First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, MN

Provide leadership and direction for the Youth Ministry and Sunday School of First Presbyterian Church. Identify and work with adult volunteers to support these ministries, maintaining documentation of volunteer strengths, interests, availability and contact information.
Director of Youth Ministry, Crossroads PC, Mequon, WI

Located in the lovely town of Mequon, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee, Crossroads Presbyterian Church (https://www.crossroadspres.org/) is a well-established, forward-thinking PCUSA congregation. Inspired by God’s abundant grace, Crossroads welcomes, loves, and offers all a safe place to experience authentic connection. The church is seeking a full-time Director of Youth Ministry that will equip youth and families to be disciples in the 21st century. This individual will engage youth and adult volunteers in ways to deepen their relationship with Jesus, equip them to lead and disciple others, and empower them to use their gifts to impact the world.
​Send resumes along with a cover letter to elaine.pendergrass@ministryarchitects.com
Bridge Pastoral Position, First Presbyterian Church, Claremont, MN

The Bridge Pastor is accountable to the congregation through the Session for the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the position description with a written, quarterly report to the Commission on Ministry. Contact: Kay Fate, kayfate@hotmail.com.
Visitation Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Stillwater, MN

St. Paul Lutheran Church seeks a part-time Visitation Pastor who will work in a team environment with the Faith Community Nurse, Personnel Committee and the Senior Pastor. This at will employment position will be for an ordained minister to visit homebound people. The purpose will be to develop a pastoral relationship with people through ministry of presence, active listening, sharing scripture and reflection and in the sharing of Holy Communion. This is a relational ministry of Word and Sacrament, getting to know people and their needs and bringing the Gospel to them, as they may be isolated from the faith community. The candidate needs to possess a natural care for persons and have excellent listening skills.
Transitional Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Plainview, MN

With a vision for ministry of "trusting in God together, through education, worship, faith and social connectedness," Community Presbyterian Church is seeking a Transitional Pastor to lead them through a time of discernment between installed pastors. Contact: Joan Lee, joandianelee@gmail.com.
Director of Youth Ministries, First Presbyterian Church, La Crosse, WI

First Presbyterian Church of La Crosse is seeking a Full-Time Director of Youth Ministry, beginning September of 2023. This is a downtown church, close to 3 colleges, with access to abundant outdoor recreational activities. The successful candidate will be passionate about working with youth together with a dedicated, creative staff. Inquiries and applications should be directed to the church office at donna@firstpreslax.org.
Part Time Nursery Supervisor, Cherokee Park United Church, St. Paul, MN

The role of the Nursery Supervisor is to create a consistent, safe, loving environment for children from birth through kindergarten age. The Nursery Supervisor works with volunteer Nursery Care Providers to involve children in play that provides a foundation for knowing they are loved by God and they are embraced by this community of faith.