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RE John Zwier


First Monday of the month
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Presbytery Leadership Team

The Presbytery Leadership Team (PLT) has general supervision of Presbytery business in between Stated Meetings of the Presbytery.  


Strategic Planning:  PLT identifies strategic directions in the Presbytery’s mission and ministry, and makes recommendations to the Presbytery accordingly.  PLT shapes, guides and advances the Presbytery’s long-range vision to support congregations and equip leaders.  PLT promotes environments where PTCA congregations and leaders can thrive -- and can take risks in the ministries to which God has called them.


Business Coordination:  PLT recommends amendments to the Presbytery’s Bylaws and Manual of Operation, as appropriate.  PLT provides month-to-month oversight of the Presbytery’s financial, legal and operational requirements; coordinates the development of the Presbytery’s Operating Budget; and oversees the work of task forces and other ad hoc groups established by the Presbytery and unrelated to an existing committee or commission. PLT also directs and oversees the work of the Personnel Committee.  


Ecclesial Duties:  PLT nominates persons for election to the Presbytery’s Nominating and Developing Leaders Committee. PLT is responsible for scheduling the Stated Meetings of the Presbytery, and for coordinating other Presbytery-wide events.


PLT members are passionate about the Presbytery’s vision, and are eager to engage the Presbytery’s members and congregations in implementing the vision.

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