H. David Stewart
Committee does not meet until late summer/early fall "as needed"
Self Development of People
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty. -Luke 1:52-53
The Self-Development of People Committee assists the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in its global commitment to work toward the self-development of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged persons, who own, control, and benefit directly from projects that promote long-term change in their lives and communities.
At the local level, SDOP focuses on projects within the bounds of the Presbytery and works in cooperation with the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and General Assembly committees.
The Self-Development of People is a ministry that affirms God’s concern for humankind. We are Presbyterians and ecumenical partners, dissatisfied with poverty and oppression, united in faith and action through sharing, confronting and enabling. We participate in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people who are seeking to change the structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression and injustice.
SDOP Development Grants
Every year the Self-Development of People Committee of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area gives grants to organizations that are initiated by and for the people in the geographic boundaries of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. The Committee for the Self-Development of People is eager to establish partnerships with groups who are oppressed by poverty or social systems and want to take charge and decide what to do to create systemic change. The deadline for applications for 2017 is September 15, 2017. You can download an application form and email it to
Questions? Please contact Thomas Ruter at
Self-Development of People Resources and Forms:
Self-Development of People Application
Self-Development of People Flyer