Theological Scholarships
Theological scholarships are scholarships for individuals pursing a formal course of study leading to a church vocation.
Who can apply? Inquirers and Candidates, Commissioned Ruling Elder candidates, and individuals pursuing degree programs or certification in ministry professions such as Christian Education, youth ministry, or similar church vocations. Scholarship candidates will be under care of the Presbytery or pursuing their course of study in direct conversation with the Committee on Preparation for Ministry or, in the case of a lay pastor, be in consultation with a particular congregation for service.
What programs qualify? Seminary study, other ministry degree programs, clinical pastoral education programs, internships, contextual education, or travel to study abroad that is connected to the degree or certificate program, and other programs at the discretion of the Mission, Scholarship, and Grants Committee.
How large are the grants? Up to $2,000 based upon the determined financial need of the individual and the availability of scholarship funds. Generally, each candidate is eligible for one scholarship per academic period and no more than twice per calendar year. Scholarships will not exceed the cost of tuition, fees, books and supplies and other actual costs incurred. The Barbara Tilton Memorial Scholarship Fund particularly seeks women applicants.
How can you apply? Applications should be made using the Theological Education Grant Application form that can be found by clicking on that button below. Inquirers and candidates will also need to request an endorsement from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry or their sponsoring congregation using the Scholarship Endorsement Form that can be found by clicking on that button below.
(Applications can also be made on the Application page by clicking "Apply" in the menu above. Once the page that appears, click on the Theological Education Grant Application button. Inquirers and candidates will also need to request an endorsement from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry or their sponsoring congregation using the Scholarship Endorsement Form that can be found by clicking "Apply" in the menu above. Once the page appears, click on the Endorsement form button)
When can you apply?
June 1st for a fall term with decision and notification by August 1st.
October 1st for a winter or spring term with decision and notification by December 1st.
March 1st for a summer term with decision and notification by May 1st.
For schools using a quarter system, ask the Mission, Scholarship, and Grants Committee.
Can you get assistance when applying? The Mission, Scholarship , and Grants Committee will help any applicant determine what funds to apply for and how to apply.